Waupoos vintage photo show
Sunday, February 19, 2023, from 1 to 4 p.m.

Special guest speaker/presenter Sean Smith, Senior Archivist with the Archives of Ontario Collections Development and Management Unit, will host a special digital presentation that focuses on the Marsden Kemp Collection of 1900s-era photographs of people and places in Prince Edward County. In addition, there will be a special unveiling of the latest donation to the Waupoos Town Hall vintage photo collection. Opening remarks will be made by North Marysburgh/Prince Edward County Councillor David Harrison. This is a family-friendly event. COVID masking is optional.
For more information:
Contact: John Lyons
Email: jdlyons@live.ca
Township of North Marysburgh Recreational & Community Complex
2699 County Road 8
Waupoos, Ontario