
Hudson's Bay Post 1856

In 1856, the Hudson's Bay Company, faced with decline in trade at La Cloche on the mainland, obtained permission to establish a post at Little Current. A substantial log building, this community's first European structure, was built near here in 1856-57 by George McTavish, the clerk in charge of La Cloche. However, opposition from some Indians and resident missionaries to what they considered encroachment on the Reserve caused the government to rescind the Company's license in 1859, before trade began. In 1868, the building was purchased by G.B. Abrey for use as a residence. Twice remodeled, it was destroyed by fire in 1942.


Near the site of the former post, Manitowaning Road and Water Street, Little Current

Region: Northern Ontario

County/District: District of Manitoulin

Municipality: Town of Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands
