39th Annual Dora Mavor Moore Awards

Salles de théâtre Elgin et Winter Garden

Monday, June 25, 2018 at 7:30 p.m.


These annual awards, named for Dora Mavor Moore, are presented by the Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts to recognize outstanding achievements in Toronto theatre. The Doras honour the creators of over 200 theatre, dance and opera productions annually in 48 categories over six major divisions: General Theatre, Independent Theatre, Musical Theatre, Theatre for Young Audiences, Dance and Opera. The awards in each division are voted on by a jury of eight to 12 individuals drawn from the professional performing arts community. Each recipient receives a bronze statue cast from an original by Toronto sculptor John Romano.

For more information, call Ticketmaster at 1-855-622-ARTS (2787) or visit www.ticketmaster.ca, or buy them at the Elgin and Winter Garden Theatre Centre box office (Tuesday to Saturday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., or until show time on performance days; closed Sunday and Monday).


Winter Garden Theatre
189 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
