I must have it! I must! I must! Celebrating 20 years of Booing Ross Petty
July 7 to September 4, 2015 – Tuesday to Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

This exhibition chronicles two decades of fractured fairy tales, featuring costumes, posters and artifacts. It also honours the “notorious evil-doer” Ross Petty, who has endured boos and hisses from audiences as the Sheriff of Nottingham to Bertha Von Botox to this year’s incarnation of Captain Hook.
Admission: Free
For more information, contact:
Ellen Flowers
Elgin and Winter Garden Theatre Centre
Telephone: 416-314-2874
Email: ellen.flowers@heritagetrust.on.ca
Elgin and Winter Garden Theatre Centre189 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario