Ignite Gravenhurst
Wednesday, Februray 22, 2017 – from 6 to 8:30 p.m.

Enlighten us … but make it quick. Ignite is a series of fast and fun presentations. Speakers must build their presentations with 20 slides, each of which is shown for 15 seconds, giving each speaker five minutes of fame. Ignite’s mission is “Everyone Speaks.” We believe that public speaking builds confidence in individuals and that events like Ignite build community. Our goal is to make it possible for anyone, anywhere to learn to present their ideas and their stories. First presentation starts at 6:30 at the Gravenhurst Opera House.
For more information:
Contact: Jeremy RandTelephone: 705-394-5667
Email: ignitegravehurst@gmail.com
Website: www.ignitegravenhurst.ca
Meeting location:
Gravenhurst Opera House295 Muskoka Road South
Gravenhurst, Ontario