Jones Family Open House at Homewood Museum
Homewood Museum
Saturday, August 13, 2016 from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Visit Homewood Museum for a fun-filled day of family activities. Explore the history of the Jones family, who lived at Homewood for six generations, and try your hand at careers of the past, including medicine, farming and the military. This free event also features scavenger hunts, apple bobbing, three-legged races and more!
Cost: Free
Ages: Families welcome; activities especially appropriate for 8 to 12 years
Families can register by calling 613-348-1246 or drop by for an hour or two.Homewood Museum is a National Historic Site owned and operated by the Ontario Heritage Trust, dedicated to identifying, preserving, protecting and promoting Ontario’s heritage.
Homewood Museum1372 North Side of Highway 2
Between Maitland and Prescott