Heritage Week Exhibit and Open House
Saturday, February 25, 2017 – from 2 to 4 p.m.

Celebrate local heritage and the 150th anniversary of Confederation with refreshments, activities and the launch of two exhibits!“Richmond Hill: Growing with Canada” explores how Richmond Hill has grown up! From 1867, the town has evolved from a small rural community to the large, urban town we live in today. “Voices from the Engraver” teaches visitors about the meticulous processes that go into producing a stamp or a bill, and how the original art is then brought to life. This exhibition comes to us from the Bank of Canada’s Currency Museum.
For more information:
Contact: Maggie MacKenzieTelephone: 905-780-3802
Email: heritageservices@richmondhill.ca
Website: www.richmondhill.ca/heritagecentre
Richmond Hill Heritage Centre19 Church Street North
Richmond Hill, Ontario