Ontario's Places of Worship Inventory
The Ontario Heritage Trust has assembled information on the province’s
religious architecture. This information spans more than 85 religious
traditions and over 400 years of Ontario’s history. It has been
organized into the popular online Ontario’s Places of Worship Inventory.
A number of entries in the inventory are relevant to Ontario’s French heritage as expressed through architectural styles and by the central place of religious institutions in the history and development of particular communities across the province.
Some examples to explore include:
- St-Grégoire de Nazianze Roman Catholic Church, Vankleek Hill
- St-Benoît-Labre Roman Catholic Church, Wendover
- Ste-Euphémie Roman Catholic Church, Casselman
- Annunciation Church/Parish L'Annonciation, Stoney Point
- St-David Roman Catholic Church, Sudbury
- St-Jean-Baptiste de Verner Roman Catholic Church, Verner