
Founding of Parkhill, The

The opening of a railway station near here in 1860 on the recently completed Grand Truck line from Guelph to Sarnia, provided the nucleus around which a community soon became established. A post office named Westwood (renamed Swainby in 1861 and Park Hill in 1863) was opened that year. In 1861, a village plot was laid out by William Kelly. Growth was slow until 1865 when a bonus subscribed by the citizens induced John Harrison to build a steam-powered grist-mill. Other industries, including a brickyard and a foundry, soon followed, and by 1871 Parkhill was a thriving community of about 1,500 people. It became an incorporated village on January 1, 1872 and a town fourteen years later.


On the grounds of the municipal offices, 229 Main Street, Parkhill

Region: Southwestern Ontario

County/District: County of Middlesex

Municipality: Municipality of North Middlesex
