Artistic expressions

“Today, a number of Franco-Ontarian artists have reached national and international audiences, and their works are the reflection of a dynamic, modern community.” Johanne Melançon, Associate Professor in the French Studies Department at Laurentian University
Music, dance, theatre, film, visual art, folklore and literature all represent creative expressions of a culture over time. The French community in Ontario has created a rich legacy of artistic creativity and expression. The story of Franco-Ontarian culture is told through songs, dramatic performances and works of art, as well as through oral and written narratives. These works have not only served to entertain and educate, but in some cases to support and draw attention to important social and political movements, such as the struggle for French-language rights in Ontario. As the French community in Ontario becomes more diverse, so do the ways in which its stories are told, and its identity and culture are artistically represented.
Read “Arts and culture in francophone Ontario,” by Johanne Melançon, an article from Heritage Matters
YouTube video – “La coopérative des artistes du Nouvel Ontario (CANO),” 1971 (in French).